This Is What We Believe

This journey began for me when I was 17 years old. I was about to give birth to my first child. I was scared and I was alone. Little did I know I was about to embark on the most transformative journey of my life. A journey that would lead to a lifetime legacy.

This journey of motherhood became an amazing opportunity for me to transform fear and loneliness into strength and power as it became a part of who I am for good in the world. 

We all experience adversity in life and everyone deserves healing.

I leaned into the opportunity; I studied, learned, and grew. 

I became an amazing mother, an expert in my field, dedicating my life and career to helping others heal.

I am committed to supporting parents, caregivers, infants, children, and families thrive.

I understand adversity intimately, and I believe we all deserve healing. 

We deserve to move beyond surviving this life. 

We deserve to thrive.

We deserve to be connected to our passion, what lights us up. 

We deserve connection. 

We are all interconnected. 

When we invest in our own healing, we invest in the healing of the collective.

When we heal ourselves, we heal the world around us. 

We can transform our adversity into who we are for good, as we collectively transform our world into a place of health and vitality for all future generations.

We can leave a lasting legacy of healing-centered practices in our place.

If I’ve learned anything of importance on my own life’s journey, it is this:

We all deserve healing. We have waited long enough for this healing, and our world has waited long enough. 

The time for our healing is now, which is why we have created a liberatory healing-centered business model and practice. 

Cliff Haven Office

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“We can’t be brave in the big world without at least one small safe space to work through our fears and falls.”

- Brene Brown

"Coalescence" is defined as the union of diverse things into one body, form, or group.

It is about the growing together of parts. The act of coalescing, growing together as similar parts, and of being united describes what we envision for your healing journey here at Coalescence Health, PLLC.

Coalescence Health accepts multiple insurances for counseling services, including Colorado Medicaid. We also invite self-pay for consulting services and other innovative health and wellness options. We welcome any and all questions concerning the credentialing status of your insurance. Contact us today to make an appointment and feel free to submit an online inquiry about our services. 

We are headquartered in the beautiful Arkansas River Valley of Chaffee County, Colorado.

We are located 5 miles from downtown Salida and only ¼ mile from easy highway access. The 21-acre property is remote and serene, sitting at the end of a long dirt road with water and springs abounding on the native landscape. 

Like our natural and rustic grounds, we are a flowing and flexible health and wellness practice enabling us to be adaptive while maintaining our strong core around promoting healing-based services and products.


Sarai Trujillo


“Spiritual Energy Dancing On Rocky Shores”

Five Strengths: Input, Connectedness, Achiever, Ideation, Empathy

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Amaihah Davenport


“Happy Treasure, Connection In Life’s Adventures”

Five Strengths: Positivity, Communication, Significance, Empathy, Adaptability

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Alihah Raymond

BS - Environmental Biology

“I’m A Tree Hugger, And Humanity Lover”

Five Strengths: Communication, Harmony, Achiever, Ideation, Context

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Natalie Cowden

BS - Psychology

“Energy Witch Kissing the Wind & Earth”

Five Strengths: Optimist, Believer, Philomath, Self-Believer, Empathizer

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Sarah Rasmussen


"We are never there, only here."

Five Strengths: Problem Solver, Thinker, Philomath, Coach, Empathizer

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Talmage Trujillo

MA - Leadership, Research and Educational Foundations

"Learning and Teaching in A Cycle"

Five Strengths: Achiever, Deliberative, Restorative, Significance, Learner

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